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Wood Fired Pizza Oven DIY KITs
Wood Fired Pizza Oven DIY KITs
Supplier Info
[China Supplier]
Contact Person : Mr. Zhang Hongliang
Tel : 86-315-2391160
Fax : 86-315-2391160
Product Detail
wood burning Pizza Oven DIY

These product include all basic kits for you to set up your wood fired pizza oven by yourself,and it is easy to instal. (The details of Installing guide will be sent if you are interested it)1.Refractory cooking dome:make from high-end refractory material,working Temperature is 1200 degree.Cooking size:1000*910mm,heigh:410mm (or 860*710mm,heigh:355mm)2.Refractory brick for cooking floor:have been cut for fitting Refractory cooking dome in our factory. 3.Insulation blanket covering over refractory dome:3600*610*25mm. 4.High temp.Mortar 5.Insulation Pad under the cooking floor:have been cut in factory 6.Chicken wire mesh:Wrap Insulation blanket

7.Aluminum Head Long wooden Handle Pizza Peel

8.Short wooden Pizza Peel

9.Stainless Steel Door

Wood Fired Pizza Oven DIY KITs

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