Process Characters
Potassium sulfate equipment set adopted by our company is designed using Man Haimu process and through relevant improvements based on Germany dry-type torrefaction method. If it is used in combination with other special equipment, it can successfully resolve many process technical issues such as high temperature and high consistency strong acid corrosion as well as continuous feeding production etc.. As compared with conventional process, this equipment set has the following advantages:
1. Large output --- 40 t/d kalium sulphate (final product) for single assembly.
Reaction furnace body is independent-type supported between insulation walls. According to fire-resistant materials used for reaction furmace structure, it is devided into three heated sections which are respectively furnace top, furnace wall and furnace bottom, and so heated area of the furnace body greatly increases, consequently utilization rate of heat is also enhanced. The heat from energy-saving coal furnace in sequence passes through the furnace top, furnace wall and furnace bottom, which can make the heat absorbed by the reaction furnace to enhance the reaction quantum of the materials in the furnace body, and thereby greatly increase output.
2. Low coal consumption
Because the structure and material of the reaction furnace can make heat utilization rate greatly enhanced, consequently coal consumption greatly reduces.
3. Low electricity consumption
Two sets of reaction furnace only need to fitted with one set of matched equipment and one set of absorption device. Thus, electricity consumption greatly reduces. For two sets of reaction furnace production unit(not including spare equipment), electricity consumption is only 230kW/h.
4. High absorption efficiency of hydrochloric acid and convenient operation
The absorption system of hydrochloric acid is in polypropylene. Filling tower and graphite membrane absorber is alternately used, which can enhance absorption efficiency and temperature-lowering effect. The tower body and circulating storage tank is separately arranged and thus the capacity of the circulating storage tank can be increased and emission time of final acid can be reduced, which can bring convenient operation, low price and convenient maintenance. Circulating pump is direct-connection centrifugal pump with long service life, convenient maintenance. Air-in tubing between reaction furnace and absorption equipment is constructed from high-temperature-resistant and corrosion-resistant material with long service life, which can reduce the time of maintenance and cleaning. For silicon carbide reaction furnace, this can’t be achieved
5. Use energy-saving coal furnace in place of coal gas generation furnace
Due to the heated characters of this reaction furnace, a new-type energy-saving coal furnace can be used to substitute coal gas generation furnace or other heating ways can also be used, which can make operation more simply and safer, as well as coal consumption lowered and have a low requirement of coal quality. As compared with coal gas generation furnace, the energy-saving coal furnace can save coal by about 20%.
6. Production cost reduced greatly
Due to the above characters of this process, the corresponding production cost greatly lowers. Calculating as per RMB 800 yuan per ton of raw coal price and needing 8 tons per unit, it needs about RMB 6,400 yuan; calculating as per RMB 0.5 yuan per degree and needing 5520 degree of electricity per unit, it needs about RMB2,760 yuan; calculating as per 50 people per unit and RMB 50 yuan per people per day, it needs about 2,500 yuan; the fixed consumption of equipment per day is about RMB 11,660 yuan. Thus, calculating as per 80t/d output per unit, the fixed consumption of equipment per ton is about RMB 145 yuan. For conventional process, require using white coal. Thus, Calculating as per RMB 1,000 yuan per ton of white coal price and needing 12 tons per unit, it needs about RMB 13,200 yuan; calculating as per RMB 0.5 yuan per degree and needing 6,000 degree of electricity per unit, it needs about RMB3,000 yuan; calculating as per RMB2,500 yuan of payment for workers, the fixed consumption of equipment per day is about RMB 18,700 yuan. Thus, calculating as per 50t/d output per unit, the fixed consumption of equipment per ton is about RMB 374 yuan. Thus it can be seen: under the condition of ignoring low maintenance and high output, the kalium sulphate production process can save the cost by about RMB 230 yuan per ton as compared with conventional process.
Potassium sulfate process & equipments