Item Model KSD-SA25.1-016MJ
General Form factor 2.5"
interface SATAII
Performance Capacity(GB) 16GB
Sustained Read 106MB
Sustained Write 58MB
Random IOPS 6,100
Average Access time 0.2ms
Storage Media NAND Flash MLC
Power Consumption input Voltage 5V± 5%
Idle 0.5W
Active 2.0W
Reliability& Endurance Write endurance 80years@10GBytes write and erase per day at 256GB
Read endurance unlimited
Wear-Leveling Algorithm Dynamic and static wear-leveling
Data Retention 10years at 25ºC
MTBF 1,000,000hours
ECC Supports BCH ECC 8bits or 15bits in 512 bytes
Bad Block Management Auto Bad Block Management in system
Environment Operating Temperature 0~70ºC
Non-operating Temperature -40~85ºC
Shock 2,000G(@0.3ms half sine wave)
Vibration 20G(40-2000HZ)
Humidity 5-95%
Warranty 1years
Available unit Available,NO EOL
Testing Platform AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 1.8GHz,DDR2 PC2-5300 512MB×2pcs double channel. RAM,NVIDIA nForce520 chipset,Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3
Testing Software HDBench3.4.0.3, IOMeter 2006.07.27
Physical Dimensions
& Weight Height(mm) 9.5± 0.25
Width(mm) 69.8± 0.25
Length(mm) 100.2± 0.25
Weight(g) 70
KSD-SA25.1-016MJ SSD