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auto hot runner control system
auto hot runner control system
Supplier Info
[China Supplier]
Contact Person : Mr. lee Alexander
Tel : 0086-512-58425967
Fax : 0086-512-58450849
Product Detail
auto hot runner control system ,minimizes down time and reduces maintenance cost .

Hot runner control with PID controlling system which features automatic compensation and automatic protection,and contributes to the prolongation of lifetime of electric heater.

The precision of temperature controlling falling within 1 degree which ensures to avoid plastic in the hot runner being burnt ,resulting in a yield of up to 99% and more.

Ultra nozzles are designed to be maintenance- friendly .Nozzle tip inserts ,heaters, tip insulator,and thermocouples are easily accessible an can be replaced while the hot runner is mounted in the machine, which minimizes down -time and reduces maintenance cost .

auto hot runner control system

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