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ZX-21Multi-valued Resistors
ZX-21Multi-valued Resistors
Supplier Info
[China Supplier]
Contact Person : Ms. Li Kaixuan
Tel : 86-755-83324500
Fax : 86-755-82736668
Product Detail
1-ZX-21Multi-valued Resistors, 2-Resistance range: 0.1 ~ 99.9999k 3- Accuracy: 0.1%

Multi-valued resistors for the DC Circuit specifically for precision adjustment resistors used,

with low residual resistance, factories, schools and research units of the essential electrical laboratory equipment. Multi-value resistors can be used as temperature indicator instrument calibration equipment. ZX21A is an improved version of ZX21, stepper plate using light pressure switch, contact resistance is small, variation and stability. Resistance range: 0.1 ~ 99.9999k Accuracy: 0.1%

ZX-21Multi-valued Resistors

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